Monday 29 July 2013

Woocommerce - Remove Address Fields (WooCommerce) - Bus1nessN3wz

When it comes to e-commerce, it would be difficiult to find a better solution than WordPress and WooCommerce workign together, but sometimes there are sections of WooCommerce which you just don't need and only get in the way.

For example, if you are selling digital products you may not need to have your customer's home and shipping address, and making the telephone number compulsory is also not always a good idea.

Having these included could lose you sales, as a customer/client may start to wonder exactly why you need their home address and phone number.

That is where this simple plugin comes in. You just have to upload it to your WordPress installation, and it will then automatically remove all the address sections from your WooCommerce checkout, as well as removing the phone number as being compulsory.
